I have two events coming up in the next two weeks, both free and open to the public…
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I will be participating in the January 30th artist day being held in conjunction with the exhibition: Going Forward, Looking Back – Practicing Historic Photographic Processes in the 21st Century organized by the Art Gallery at the University of New England, the event runs from 3-6pm and opens with a lecture by Brenton Hamilton The event is being held at: for more information please click here
I will be giving a FREE tintype demonstration at Photosynthesis Saturday, February 6th, 2-4pm This demonstration will introduce you to the history of the tintype. You will be shown a modern variation of the process, which allows for greater flexibility of means of exposure. PhotoSynthesis, LLC
Back – Practicing Historic Photographic Processes in the 21st Century organized by the Art Gallery at the University of New England, the event runs from 3-6pm and opens with a lecture by Brenton Hamilton
The event is being held at:
Art Gallery
University of New England
716 Stevens Ave.
Portland, ME
for more information please click here